ESG Sustainable Procurement News and Updates

"Waterproof Fabric" News Archive

Introducing Impermea Materials: Reinventing the Textile Supply Chain

Introducing Impermea Materials: Reinventing the Textile Supply Chain

Impermea Materials stands ready to tackle industry challenges of any magnitude with its cutting-edge technology and expertise.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|May 30th, 2023|6:22 PM
Enhancing Product and Production Safety: OEKO-TEX® and ZDHC Extend Accord

Enhancing Product and Production Safety: OEKO-TEX® and ZDHC Extend Accord

OEKO-TEX® and ZDHC collaborate to drive sustainability in the textile industry, promoting responsible production, safer materials, and streamlined certification through data sharing and aligned programs.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|May 29th, 2023|10:38 AM
OEKO-TEX® Sees a 21% Surge in Certifications and Labels

OEKO-TEX® Sees a 21% Surge in Certifications and Labels

OEKO-TEX® achieved substantial growth by issuing over 43,000 certificates and labels in its latest fiscal year, with the "Made in Green" label experiencing exceptional 52% growth.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|September 4th, 2023|11:38 AM
Adidas Embraces Supercritical CO2 Dyeing

Adidas Embraces Supercritical CO2 Dyeing

Adidas' independent assessment confirms DyeCoo's waterless dyeing slashes emissions by 58%, paving the way for sustainable fashion adoption in their supply chain.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|October 5th, 2023|10:48 AM
Bluesign Revises its Guidelines for Chemical Use in Textiles

Bluesign Revises its Guidelines for Chemical Use in Textiles

Bluesign’s latest revision takes into account the latest scientific knowledge regarding the toxicological and ecological profiles of substances.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|July 18th, 2023|12:54 PM
KITOTEX®: How Candiani’s Innovative Technology is Saving Water

KITOTEX®: How Candiani’s Innovative Technology is Saving Water

Created by Italian denim mill Candiani, Kitotex® is a breakthrough in water-saving technology that recycles the exoskeletons of crustaceans to create biodegradable yarn.
Common Share Editorial TeamCommon Share Editorial Team
|June 15th, 2021|12:09 PM