Camper Follows a Circular Economy by Producing Repairable Shoes

Editorial TeamEditorial Team
January 10th, 2023
2:03 PM

Sourcing Leather Working Group tannery leathers and Responsible Wool Standard wool, Camper manufactures shoes that can be repaired and offers a lifetime warranty.


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Since its foundation in 1975 by Lorenzo Fluxà, Camper has set itself the goal of creating durable and more responsible products and has stood out for having a brand image full of daring designs. Today, Camper has more than 2,500 points of sale and 400 of its own stores in 40 countries.

Since last summer, the Spanish footwear brand Camper has been B Corp certified and in recent months has launched a number of innovative sustainability projects, from the introduction of recycled leather and plant-based leather alternatives to a collection program to shoe recycling and a lifetime guarantee on individual models.

Camper has always been ambitious in terms of its design. Last year, the brand decided to shift its focus towards more pressing issues such as social and environmental responsibility, more sustainable production methods and products, establishing circular flows of goods, and recycling used shoes with the launch of the ReCrafted collection.

All in all, this is an impressive package for a footwear manufacturer whose industry has so far tended to let its guard down when it comes to sustainability. Leticia Sandoval Godinez, sustainability manager at Camper, talks to us about the new solutions Camper is already working on and the issues that still require a lot of concerted effort.



Camper Uses Responsibly Sourced Wool and Leather

Camper has traditionally used leather, even though this material has an “image” problem among the younger generation.

Over the years, Camper has discussed how the treatment of animals is extremely important, including the health of the land and the rights of the workers. That's why Camper sources Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) certified wool and works with Leather Working Group tanneries to achieve better traceability of all its hides.

At present, the brand isn’t entirely convinced by the current alternatives to leather, after realizing that most of them are made of plastic. In the process, Camper realized that moving away from leather could affect the longevity of our products and make them less amenable to repair, which is why the brand actively decided not to manufacture vegan shoes.



Camper’s Shoe Repair Service for a Circular Economy

Camper’s goal is to completely stop using new plastics in its lasts and linings by 2030, something we have already achieved in 96 percent of its products. It’s also improving the traceability of our leather, not only by using Leather Working Group-certified leather, but also by working more closely with tanneries to select responsible farms and by expanding our regenerative leather projects. At the same time, Camper manufactures products that can be repaired and offers a lifetime warranty.  

Recent B Corp Certification

B Corp certification represents a 360° approach to improving as a company. That's why Camper has worked tirelessly to make a better product, but also be a better employer, a great partner or customer, and a more responsible member of society.

B Corp certification has helped Camper to focus on specific aspects of the business and create a roadmap for future improvement. The result is that all areas of our business are affected. Every employee has incorporated ESG (Environmental and Social Governance) criteria into their annual evaluation and development process.