PEFC Spain Receives the "Promoting Bioenergy 2021" Award from Avebiom at Expobiomasa

Editorial TeamEditorial Team
October 21st, 2021
3:01 PM

The commitment to forest sustainability in the biomass value chain is recognised in this international award, in which natural and renewable biofuels take centre stage.

The PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) is an international, non-profit, non-governmental organization, promoting sustainable forest management. The organization functions via independent third-party certification and is held in high esteem as a top choice of verification for small forest owners.

Truthful Tools for Sustainable Forests

In the framework of the International Fair "Expobiomasa", held on 21st, 22nd, and 23rd of September in Valladolid, PEFC Spain was awarded the prize "Fomenta la Bioenergía 2021", (Promoting Bioenergy) by AveBiom. The international award reflects the sector's interest in truthful tools for sustainability, responsible sourcing, and traceability of forest-based products and biofuels.

Forest biomass requires strong mechanisms, such as PEFC forest certification, to back up these guarantees and also to promote rational use and the creation of a local and proximity economic fabric. PEFC works with foresters, administration, companies, and consumers in order to facilitate and make these tools accessible to society.

It’s for this reason, that the award is the reflection and appreciation of the work of caring for forests, and the promotion of sustainable forest management. Such foresters are committed to a green energy model that ensures this forest resource is permanently in the market, now and forever.

PEFC certification ensures that products such as woodchips, briquettes, pellets, and bioenergy come from sustainably managed forests, through secure, traceable, and transparent supply chains. These regulations are in line with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and climate change mitigation while responding to international policies and European regulations such as the RED II Renewable Energy Directive.

In Spain’s case, there are 2.5 million hectares of PEFC-certified forests managed by more than 46,500 foresters and forest owners committed to forest sustainability. 1,622 companies are committed to PEFC Chain of Custody certification, of which 60 are dedicated to the biomass sector, reflecting the growing demand for biofuels with a sustainable and certified origin and thus contributing to the greater availability of this local product.

Catalonia, Castile and Leon, and Andalusia are the autonomous communities with the largest number of biomass processing plants, with 14, 13, and 8 companies, respectively. The turnover of certified companies in this resource amounts to 120 million euros, making it a sector on the rise.

In terms of growth trends, in the last five years, this sector has recorded a 35% increase in turnover and, in terms of PEFC forest certification, 33% more companies have implemented this certification system, so clearly, the sector has great potential for sustainable development and the increase in bioenergy activity has been key to this increase.

In this way, through forest certification, the care of forests, and the use of biofuels from renewable sources, a bio-economy can be implemented to face climate challenges and future health crises.