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"European Commission" News Archive

Only 20% of "Sustainable" Investment Funds Align with the Proposed Anti-Greenwashing Criteria
Sustainability Governance

Only 20% of "Sustainable" Investment Funds Align with the Proposed Anti-Greenwashing Criteria

A report by Clarity AI reveals that 20% of sustainability-labeled investment funds classified as Article 8 would meet the criteria of proposed fund labeling rules aimed at reducing greenwashing risk.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|May 22nd, 2023|9:24 AM
The EU Triples its Exports of Used Textiles According to Recent Reports
Sustainable Supply Chains

The EU Triples its Exports of Used Textiles According to Recent Reports

According to the document EU Exports of Used Textiles in Europe's Circular Economy prepared by the European Environment Agency, 46% of these garments were sold to Africa, the EU's main customer, followed by Asia, with 41%.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|March 1st, 2023|7:57 AM
European Parliament Endorses Cutting-Edge Ecodesign Standards
Sustainability Governance

European Parliament Endorses Cutting-Edge Ecodesign Standards

The EU Parliament advances revolutionary ecodesign standards to promote longer-lasting, easily repairable and recyclable products to enhance sustainability and circular economy efforts.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|July 20th, 2023|8:59 AM
How the Proposed EU Green Claims Directive Will Impact on Eco Claims
Sustainability Governance

How the Proposed EU Green Claims Directive Will Impact on Eco Claims

The European Commission introduced the Green Claims Directive on March 22, 2023, in response to increased consumer demand for eco-conscious products, aiming to combat greenwashing and promote transparency in environmental claims.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|December 28th, 2023|2:43 PM
Ecoalf Represents Spain at the EU Environment Council
Sustainability Governance

Ecoalf Represents Spain at the EU Environment Council

The Spanish fashion company Ecoalf was in attendance to discuss and seek solutions that change the way brands produce, develop the circular economy and preserve biodiversity.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|April 27th, 2023|11:56 AM
European Commission Takes Action Against Greenwashing and Curbs "Green" Labels
Sustainability Governance

European Commission Takes Action Against Greenwashing and Curbs "Green" Labels

The new measures complete the proposal presented by the same Commission in March 2022 and aims to establish common criteria across Europe against "greenwashing" and "misleading environmental claims".
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|March 28th, 2023|2:12 PM
Why Fashion Brands Will Need to Adopt Digital Product Passports
Sustainability Governance

Why Fashion Brands Will Need to Adopt Digital Product Passports

As the EU has recently unveiled its circular apparel strategy, a noteworthy aspect of this strategy is the introduction of Digital Product Passports (DPPs), which will play a pivotal role in achieving these goals.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|May 9th, 2023|3:09 PM
Eurostat Publishes the 2022 Report on the Sustainable Development Goals in the European Union

Eurostat Publishes the 2022 Report on the Sustainable Development Goals in the European Union

The data included in the report shows that the Union has made progress towards most of the goals over the last five years, in line with the Commission's priorities in key strategic areas.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|September 20th, 2022|4:27 PM
Europe Calls for an End to Disposable Clothing
Sustainability Governance

Europe Calls for an End to Disposable Clothing

To avoid further excess of textile waste, the European Commission has presented the EU Strategy on Sustainable and Circular Textile Products.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|October 18th, 2022|3:30 PM
Europe Strives for Green Label for Nuclear and Gas Plants
Sustainability Governance

Europe Strives for Green Label for Nuclear and Gas Plants

​​Opponents from renewable energy plants are pressuring the European Commission to modify its plan, which deems nuclear and gas energy plants as “green”.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|March 3rd, 2022|2:59 PM