ESG Sustainable Procurement News and Updates
"Recycle" News Archive
Collina Strada Crosses Punk Aesthetic with Eco-Friendly Values
Collina Strada, the young New York label with a punk aesthetic and eco-friendly values, prioritizes sustainable fabrics and has a partnership with a Ghana-based textile waste nonprofit called OR Foundation to repurpose materials.
|January 3rd, 2023|12:34 PM
Desigual is to Reach 73% in Recycled Garments in 2023
For a garment to be classified as recycled, it must have a minimum of 30% recycled materials, and 20% in the case of cotton.
|January 12th, 2023|4:23 PM
Dow Claimed to Be Recycling Used Sneakers Until Airtags Proved Otherwise
After Dow promised to turn the rubber of old shoes into playground and running track surfaces in 2021, Reuters tracked most of the shoes to secondhand markets or remote locations in Indonesia.
|March 7th, 2023|12:36 PM
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ArcelorMittal Dofasco Leads the Charge with Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for XCarb™ Renewably Produced Steel
ArcelorMittal Dofasco pioneers carbon-neutral steel with five EPDs for XCarb™ RRP construction materials.
|March 19th, 2024|12:21 PM
Eastman and Debrand Collaborate for Textile Recycling Solutions
Eastman, renowned for specialty materials like Naia™ cellulosic fibers, has teamed up with Debrand, a top logistics firm specializing in sustainable solutions for apparel waste from global brands.
|April 24th, 2024|2:18 PM
Recovo Strives to Achieve "End-to-End Platform" for Circular Solutions
The emerging Spanish company Recovo has acquired new capacities in its quest to stand out as the benchmark platform for the transition of fashion and textile companies toward a fully sustainable and circular model.
|May 3rd, 2023|12:50 PM