Nike Commits to the Responsible Wool Standard

Editorial TeamEditorial Team
June 23rd, 2023
1:59 PM

Aligning with the Responsible Wool Standard, Nike's commitment to eliminating wool production involving animal cruelty has been praised by Four Paws, with over 350 other brands joining in adopting anti-mulesing policies.


US sporting goods giant Nike has demonstrated its commitment to its own motto, "Just Do It," by taking decisive action to eliminate the use of wool that involves animal cruelty. This particular type of wool production involves a process called mulesing, where strips of skin are cut away from the rump and tail of lambs, often without the use of anesthesia or pain relief.

The resulting pain, shock, and stress experienced by these young lambs, typically only two to ten weeks old, is immense, leading to stunted growth and an increased risk of death. Four Paws, a global animal welfare organization, announced today (Wednesday) that Nike has revised its corporate social responsibility policy and pledged to adhere to the certified Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) across its product range. The company has announced that it will now exclusively use certified wool sourced through the RWS, eliminating the use of mulesed wool.

This move is hailed as a "groundbreaking moment" and a "significant milestone" by the animal rights organization, which hopes that it will inspire other companies to follow suit. Four Paws has been campaigning against this cruel practice for years and, in 2022, specifically targeted Nike in a campaign. Over 80,000 sports enthusiasts joined forces to urge the sportswear brand to join adidas and Puma, who have already committed to using certified wool in their products.


Nike Highlights its Commitment to Wool Producers

Rebecca Picallo Gil, the head of the wool campaign at Four Paws, expressed congratulations to Nike on their significant commitment, emphasizing its potential to benefit millions of lambs. She noted the timeliness of this announcement, coinciding with the upcoming mulesing season in Australia, and highlighted how it sends a powerful message to wool producers.

Gil acknowledged Nike's influential position in the apparel market and regarded their decision as a notable triumph, made achievable through the collaborative efforts of numerous supporters working alongside Four Paws to enhance animal welfare within the sports apparel industry.

According to Four Paws, over 350 brands and retailers have now adopted policies against mulesing, including Aldi, Asics, Asos, Bestseller, C&A, Decathlon, H&M, Ikea, Inditex, Kik, Kmart, Otto Group, Primark, Tchibo, Tesco, Uniqlo, and Zalando.



About the Responsible Wool Standard

The Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) is a globally recognized certification program that aims to ensure the welfare of sheep and the responsible management of wool production. It was developed by Textile Exchange, a non-profit organization focused on sustainability in the textile industry.

To achieve RWS certification, wool producers must undergo audits and comply with strict criteria. This includes ensuring that sheep are treated humanely, avoiding unnecessary pain or distress, and providing appropriate veterinary care. The standard also addresses environmental considerations, such as responsible land management and the responsible use of chemicals in wool production.

By adopting the RWS, companies demonstrate their commitment to sourcing wool from farms that meet these stringent animal welfare and sustainability standards. It provides consumers with assurance that the wool used in products bearing the RWS label comes from farms that prioritize ethical and responsible practices.

The RWS has gained significant recognition and support from major brands, retailers, and organizations across the fashion and textile industries. It plays a crucial role in promoting greater transparency, accountability, and improvements in animal welfare within the wool production sector.