ESG Sustainable Procurement News and Updates

"Fair Wages" News Archive

Better Cotton Revises its Certification Criteria in Response to Greenwashing Concerns

Better Cotton Revises its Certification Criteria in Response to Greenwashing Concerns

Better Cotton raises its standards by revising its principles and criteria that farmers must meet to certify their cotton, after having completed its latest eighteen-month review in February.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|April 25th, 2023|10:29 AM
The Crucial Importance of Fairtrade Certification for Sustainable Textile Businesses

The Crucial Importance of Fairtrade Certification for Sustainable Textile Businesses

Fairtrade certification signifies a profound commitment to ethical production, social justice, and environmental stewardship, crucial for sustainable textile businesses aligning with their core values and objectives.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|March 27th, 2024|3:13 PM
6 Fairtrade Certified Cotton Clothing Manufacturers Leading in Ethical Textiles

6 Fairtrade Certified Cotton Clothing Manufacturers Leading in Ethical Textiles

Businesses must adhere to three stages: sourcing Fairtrade-certified cotton, engaging certified processors, and meeting Fairtrade standards for production to carry the Fairtrade Cotton Mark.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|March 27th, 2024|5:39 PM
Investor Pressure Drives Fashion Brands to Enhance Buying Practices

Investor Pressure Drives Fashion Brands to Enhance Buying Practices

Investors are pressuring fashion brands such as Burberry and Levi’s to improve their buying practices, driven by the recognition that sustainability is crucial for long-term financial success.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|May 17th, 2023|6:36 AM
Pioneering Africa's Cotton Revolution: A Collaborative Initiative Tackling Farming Challenges Head-On

Pioneering Africa's Cotton Revolution: A Collaborative Initiative Tackling Farming Challenges Head-On

The primary objective of the Innovations Club is to drive practical and impactful solutions toward revitalizing African smallholder farming ecosystems, as Cotton Made in Africa and the African Cotton Foundation unite for a sustainable future.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|June 8th, 2023|12:08 PM
Partner with GoodWeave International to Prevent Breaches of Child Labor Laws

Partner with GoodWeave International to Prevent Breaches of Child Labor Laws

Good Weave International is a Nobel Prize-winning organization that works tirelessly to stop child labor in global supply chains.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|March 10th, 2022|3:30 PM
Beulah London: Luxury Fashion that Fights Modern Day Slavery

Beulah London: Luxury Fashion that Fights Modern Day Slavery

Sourcing responsible materials and working to end modern slavery for trafficked Indian women, Beulah London creates high-end women’s fashion backed by Kate Middleton.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|March 30th, 2022|3:03 PM
People Tree: First Fashion Company to Receive GFTO Certification

People Tree: First Fashion Company to Receive GFTO Certification

Regarded as a fashion pioneer of ethical brands, People Tree is the perfect combination of natural and organic materials, Fair Trade, and quality design.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|May 5th, 2022|5:39 PM
How Girlfriend Collective's Activewear Saves Water

How Girlfriend Collective's Activewear Saves Water

The sustainable fashion brand creates garments that save more than 2,500 liters of water per garment.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|June 29th, 2022|2:41 PM
People Tree Strengthens Ties Between Distributors and Consumers

People Tree Strengthens Ties Between Distributors and Consumers

Premium sustainable apparel brand People Tree is regarded as a pioneer of sustainable fashion and is the first apparel brand in the world to receive World Fair Trade Organization accreditation.
Editorial TeamEditorial Team
|November 23rd, 2022|11:54 AM